The Sadness of the Ignored Null Pointer
July 14, 2016
In this post we present an optimization coming from removing some pointless null pointer checks. The way that we found this was quite interesting

Speeding Up The Time Limit Controls
July 13, 2016
When a process takes a long time to complete, it makes absolute sense to put some time limit checks in so that you're not starving other work. What you don't want to do, of course, is to have those checks slow your original task down further by any considerable amount - here, we found that exactly this was happening .. so we present a solution

The Battle of the Lean and the Inlined Bone Functions
July 12, 2016
We took a look at the inlining of a certain part of the codebase and were shocked with what we found... we then went about improving it

ToString() Or Not ToString()… Wait, What’s The Question?
July 6, 2016
ToString() is one of the most commonly called functions in UE4 - certainly across the editor, the content cooker and such. Here we take a look at it and make it over twice as fast

Tiny Code Fixes – Part 1
July 4, 2016
Here we present several small code fixes and improvements in a nice little package

Package Versioning… How It Works… And An Optimization
June 29, 2016
UE4's Package Versioning is a bit of a dark art for most.. here we try to remove some of the confusion around it - while, again, offering some improvements through optimization