Strings and Other Things
June 3, 2021
We untangle the Unreal string types, and outline how to choose the one you need!

The Curious Incident of the Archive Corruption
October 2, 2019
During an optimisation pass on an internal project we spotted a few areas in UE4 deserialization code that could be hardened up. This post presents those fixes.

ToString() Or Not ToString()… Wait, What’s The Question?
July 6, 2016
ToString() is one of the most commonly called functions in UE4 - certainly across the editor, the content cooker and such. Here we take a look at it and make it over twice as fast

Tiny Code Fixes – Part 1
July 4, 2016
Here we present several small code fixes and improvements in a nice little package

Using The Disassembler To Highlight Optimization Targets
May 23, 2016
We use the debugger's disassembly view to look at FPaths::IsRelative() after it shows up in our profiling tests. Then we optimize it

The Case Of The ExportHash String Monster
April 29, 2016
We found CreateExportHash() was showing up in profiling the cooker - so we optimized it. Our findings and changes are presented here

Patch Content Early – NOT At Runtime
April 25, 2016
We present an optimization that removes a significant amount of memory churn from the animation code