Coconut Lizard welcomes Seth Crowther, Programming Intern to the team!
August 20, 2024

Please detail a bit of information about your experience/career background?
I’m currently enrolled in a Computer Science degree at Newcastle University, but I’ve learned most of my game programming skills through personal projects. I’m always working on something new and trying to learn as I go.
Why Coconut Lizard?
By all accounts, Coconut Lizard has a fantastic and flexible work culture that I can’t wait to be a part of. I also felt that during the interview process, my interviewers were very kind and really took an interest in my projects and allowed me to show off all my hard work.
What do you love about games?
I love the way games combine so many different art forms and disciplines. I consider myself a creative person, but not in a very artistic way, so I love being able to work on programming projects alongside technical artists who inspire me with their work. On a nerdier note, I also find game programming a unique and interesting challenge as optimisation is so important to providing a good player experience.
What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?
I’m currently playing Fallout 4, having just watched the fantastic TV show, alongside Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth as I’m a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series. The original Final Fantasy VII has to be my favourite game of all time. The depth of the story along with the absolute scale of the game itself blew my mind when I completed my first playthrough. Without spoiling anything, there is a certain moment in Final Fantasy VII that was the first time I cried at a video game (anyone who’s played it will know what I’m talking about).
Any fun facts or hobbies?
A fun fact about me is that I built a real-world working replica of the two-wheeled surveillance drones from Rainbow Six: Siege for my Computer Science A Level – complete with a live video stream and everything!
As for my hobbies, I’m a big hip-hop head and love going to concerts of my favourite artists, I’m currently very much looking forward to seeing Childish Gambino live in November!